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正确答案:D。A.Spherocytes B.elliptocytes C.target cell D.sickle cell E.stomatocyte 更多临床血液学副高级职称考试的考试资料及答案解析请访问志学网卫生职称考试栏目。

1. [单选题]见于HbS病的是

A. Spherocytes
B. elliptocytes
C. target cell
D. sickle cell
E. stomatocyte

2. [多选题]血浆蛋白主要生理功能有:

A. 多种代谢物的运输载体
B. 缓冲血浆pH变化
C. 参与机体的免疫功能
D. 参与生理性止血
E. 维持血浆胶体渗透压(colloid osmotic pressure)

3. [单选题]如果患者血清BUN11.6mmol/L,Cr225μmol/L,提示患者肾功能处于

A. 肾贮备能力丧失期
B. 氮质血症期
C. 肾衰竭期
D. 尿毒症期
E. 肾功能正常

4. [多选题]继发性脾功能亢进多见于下列哪些疾病 ( )

A. 感染性疾病
B. 免疫性疾病
C. 瘀血性疾病
D. 血液系统疾病
E. 类脂质沉积类疾病

5. [单选题]与血管内溶血有关的是

A. 多为先天性
B. 常呈慢性发作
C. 常有肝脾肿大(hepatosplenomegaly)
D. 血红蛋白尿的出现
E. 红细胞多有形态学改变

6. [单选题]血小板黏附率增高见于

A. 血管性血友病(von willebrand)
B. 妊娠高血压综合征
C. 肝硬化
D. 血小板抑制剂(platelet inhibitor)的使用
E. 尿毒症

7. [多选题]The blood is examined in order to answer following principal questions

A. Is themarrow producing sufficient numbers of mature cells in the hematopoietic lineages
B. Are the red cells in the blood normal
C. Are the leukocytes in the blood normal
D. Is the development of each hematopoietic lineages qualitatively normal
E. Are the platelets in the blood normal

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