正确答案:B。B. 更多执业药师的考试资料及答案解析请访问志学网卫生职称考试栏目。
1. [单选题]黏性药材及无组织结构药材的浸提应采用
2. [单选题]请根据以下内容回答 60~64 题
A. An organ of higher plants, usually subterranean and having several functions,including the absorption and conduction of water and dissolved minerals, food storage,and anchorage of the plant in the soil. It is distinguished from the stem by its structure,by the manner in which it is formed, and by the lack of such appendages as buds and leaves.
B. It grow horizontally, as a food-storing organ, beneath the surface of the ground, and enables a plant to reproduce itself.It has nodes, buds,and tiny leaves and does not die when cut; replanted, it yields new plant.
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B
E. 第 60 题 一种起运输作用的器官是( )
3. [多选题]蓼大青叶的化学成分主要有
A. 绿原酸B.齐墩果酸
B. 靛玉红D.靛蓝
C. 大黄素
4. [单选题]可治疗心肾不交的虚烦、惊悸失眠的中药是( )。
A. 金樱子
B. 赤石脂
C. 山茱萸
D. 莲子
E. 乌梅
5. [单选题]采用催吐的方法清除胃内毒物适用于(suitable for)( )。
A. 孕妇
B. 食道静脉曲张、胃溃疡出血的病人
C. 昏迷状态的病人
D. 神志清醒的病人
E. 冠心病的病人
6. [单选题]药典(2000版)采用阴离子表面活性剂滴定的药物是
A. 磷酸可待因
B. 麻黄碱
C. 咖啡因
D. 盐酸苯海索片
E. 硫酸奎宁